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If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is
necessary that at least once in your life you
doubt, as far as possible, all things.
René Descartes

The Phyctionalization of Physics

Pure mathematics is killing physics.

Over the last century, physics has become reliant on mathematics to prove its theories and operate its models. Without math physics becomes little more than conjecture. We could only refer to stars orbiting distant galaxies as being near or far. Without the actual numbers produced by calculations and formulae we could not test these theories in our models. No-one doubts that physics needs math, but questions arise when the laws of the physical universe become subservient to the math.This occurs when math gets littered with parameters defining vague notions such as isospin and strangeness.

Today it is the alternative physicists who are questioning the math-bound fundamentals of physics. This website aims to put forward alternative theories of physics, which rely more on common sense and logic than on obscure math. Many of the basic fundamentals of modern theoretical physics were set down over a hundred years ago. The original advocates are long since dead, but their influence endures. Usually these fundamentals are adopted by those following them without academic challenge. As such the same principles get rehashed generation after generation and just assumed to be true.

If you read a work of great literature in class, you might read a critical review of it, illustrating both the good and the bad. Not so with Einstein's Theory of General Relativity or Planck's Constant. These are now filed away in academia, done and dusted, beyond critique. Over time, these theories become enshrined in our collective scientific consciousness. They're right because they've always at least appeared to have been right. Or perhaps it's because physics has acquired a godlike status through its arcane complexity and mere mortals should leave well alone?

Large bodies of evidence are no longer required, a poetic idea is good enough. It is clear that physics has lost its way at some point in time, but when did this happen? When did physics abandon evidence-based science? It could be further back than you think.

Being able to critically discuss scientific theories is essential to progressing physics, and that's what we aim to do on this website. We think physics has gone off track and the result is theories that don't hold up to scrutiny when examined, and we will examine these theories.

We want to separate the physics fact from the science phyction. This is the place to meet and do precisely that.

This website aims to address the injustices of current theoretical physics thinking. It encourages anyone to challenge the illogical and the absurd rooted in many keystone laws of the physical universe.

On this site, we aim to look at alternative theories to the modern status quo of physics. We want to explore ideas freely in an attempt to find the truth and critique those who are preventing the field from moving forward by clutching to outdated and wrong ideas. We will explore everything from classical physics through to the widely accepted modern physics theories and everything in between. We will explore these topics by using equations, alternative evidence and a critical look at where past theories have gone wrong. We want to open people's minds to the idea that what you've learned and what you've been told isn't necessarily true - there are other dimensions to the field of physics that you're yet to see!